Transmission is key to our clean energy future

 And for an affordable and reliable energy system, we need robust transmission infrastructure. To ensure that the U.S. is prepared for the clean energy future, we must invest in and develop new transmission infrastructure that can efficiently move energy from where it is generated to where it is needed. 

This will help us to meet increasing demand for clean energy, reduce electricity costs, enable the integration of renewable energy sources, and reduce emissions. Additionally, it will create jobs and economic opportunities for communities across the country. To make this a reality, we need to invest in modernizing existing infrastructure and build new high-voltage transmission lines. 

We must also ensure that transmission development processes are efficient, transparent, and equitable. This will require collaboration across industries, states, and levels of government to ensure that all stakeholders are heard and respected. Such collaboration will enable us to develop a transmission system that will enable us to realize a clean energy future.
